getting there
Arrival by car
The hotel-restaurant "Zur alten Mühle" is located between Neuenbürg and Höfen, in the immediate vicinity
to the B294. You can reach us from the north via the A8 motorway, Pforzheim-West exit
Birkenfeld and Neuenbürg (approx. 15 km). From the south-east (Calw area) follow the B296 bis
into the Enztal, from the south (Freudenstadt) the B294 towards Pforzheim. At the
Turn off the B294 in the direction of Dobel / Bad-Herrenalb onto the L 340 and before the
At the level crossing take the entrance to the hotel on the right. From the direction of Bad Herrenalb / Dobel (L 340)
Cross the level crossing at the Eyachbrücke and then immediately turn left into the
Hotel driveway.
Arriving by train
We can also be reached by train, our own train station is only 4 minutes away on foot .
From Pforzheim you need 25 minutes with the
It takes 12 minutes to drive to Bad Wildbad and you are right in the city center.
We will provide you with the timetables by download.